Friday, 10 May 2013

Interviews on Tattoos

Interviews on tattoos

We conducted some interviews  to gather others' views on tattoos, which is a form of alteration to the body.

Interview Questions:
1. Do you think one should get tattoos?
2. If yes/no, why?
3. Why do you think people get tattoos?
4. What impressions do you have of people with tattoos?
5. Would you get a tattoo in the future?
6. If yes/no, why?

Here were the responses we have gotten from the interviewees:

1. All the interviewees responded with a NO, but some of them added in that it is really up to the person.

2. The general reasons we have gotten were that because it is pernament, it can't be removed and so you cannot regret your action. In addition, sometimes it would leave a bad impression on others, for example employers, in the context of a job interview.

3. Most interviewees responded that it is probably due to peer influence, they would want to look cool and they(those that choose to get tattoos) think that it would attract more 'wanted' attention. However, we have also gotten responses like tattoos may be a way to reveal their unhappiness and suffering to the world. There were other interviewees with a different view: "People get tattoos of things they believe in or stand for, or things they think they will cherish forever. If they do not like the object, why would they ink it on their skin forever?' as well as, 'They would want to have a sense of identity, and they would do this through getting a tattoo, having a unique mark on their body.'

4. Many replied saying they have a rather negative impression. They feel that they look more gangster-like, very notorious, as if they were involved in a secret society or gangs. They also have the impression that they are rebellious, undisciplined people, with a very unique midset. Some even replied saying they would avid people with tattoos as the tattoos make the people look intimidating. However, we also have different responses. Some do not have an outstanding impression of people with tattoos as tattoos just showcase a persons' beliefs and behaviour, some also feel that having a few tattoos on the body is quite cool.

5. All interviewees replied with a NO, except for two.
    Reasons for NO were:

  1. They would not be able to bear the pain of the process
  2. Tattoos are pernament and hard to be removed
  3. Tattoos are not appealing for their appearance
  4. They are afraid of leaving a bad impression on others
  5. Tattoos are against their religion
    Reasons for YES were:

  1. They would want to get tattoos for their own leisure.
  2. They would get smaller tattoos of symbols/words/phrases that they believe in, about happiness and freedom. 

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